Monday, May 10, 2010

We are getting ready to go! To Idaho!

Hi everyone!

My name is Dom and I will be accompanying Jeanne and Robyne on their trip to Moscow, Idaho. It was a pretty easy choice for them to pick me as the chaperon as I navigate "Red", whenever we go somewhere. I sit right on the dashboard of the big red truck and make sure all is clear. My spotted buddies are a little jealous because they wanted to go too, but I'm already the well seasoned traveler (and the smallest!).

So for the next couple of weeks before we leave, I'll be learning all about being a horse again! Running, riding, trotting......getting my pony legs back. No fries for me for awhile! It's hay, grass and feed AND I get to eat alongside Meins and Paha too.

It's going to rain tomorrow, you don't suppose I get a raincoat do you? Oh well, take care and come back often and see what it will be like for me to become a real APPALOOSA!!!

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