Sunday, September 27, 2009

Celebration of the Horse

We made it! Meins and I survived being on display and in the parade. He was such a gentleman yesterday and was commented on that fact throughout the day. He truly is an ambassador for the Appaloosa breed. Since I busted my butt (tailbone) I could not ride in the parade but walked with him instead. Our biggest challenge was walking downhill on a broken up paved road. But once we got to the bottom we were OK. There were other Appy horses there but none as distinctly marked as he is. I talked so much about him and Appaloosas and the raffle that my throat is sore. From a two year old little girl to an elderly ex-jockey, all were enamored with my calm, well mannered horse. A little Arabian mare kept her eye on him most of the day too. More than half the brochures the ApHC sent me were taken, along with nearly all the coloring pages and puzzles.
I will definately do this again next year and will ride Meins in the parade and Paha will be our display horse. It was worth it!
The C.A.N.T.E.R. group repainted the large statue outside the store and was made up as an Appaloosa! So, of course, I made a donation so my hand could be painted and left my "mark" on his butt.
McKayla and McKenna were our sign carriers and did an excellant job.
Meins and I were in the middle and Ann-Marie, on Indigo, and Denise, on Hunter, brought up the rear of our group.
Although it was a drippy, dreary day there were lots of people and quite a few horses in the parade. So all in all it was truly a great day!

1 comment:

  1. You look very happy...and check out that kokpelli necklace. You're southwestern stylin'!
    But what was up with those feathers coming out of the horse's butt? lol!
    It's great that Meins made you proud and was on his best behavior, too.
    I hope you get to ride next year. I bet you will have so much fun!

