Saturday, October 3, 2009

Nice sunny day

Well we won't have too many of these beautiful days much longer. Took the boys on a walk up and down our road, mostly for Paha since some scarey things popped up neither of us has seen before but he done did good!
Went out and picked up some corn stalks, pumpkins, corn-on-cob (to eat), apples and cabbage andas my daughter and I went to get in the truck to leave, DUH!, locked my keys in the truck. I had left the windows down a bit so my daughter, Robyne, was able to snake her arm in through the window and unlock the door. Good thing too because, why?, I had both sets of keys in my purse. But all was good and we had a really nice afternoon pumpkin hunting, stopping at the tack store and going to lunch.
Friday we awoke to cold, bone chillin' rain. My poor boys were soaking wet, yes, they do have a run-in, but we only see them in there when the weather is really severe. It is so hard for us humans to not get all weepy when they are all wet and looking cold, and doggone it, there must be some way for me to get them in the basement!


  1. I haven't visited in a while. Paha looks great,
    he used to "laugh" at me too. Good job at the parade. What a great amassador you are for an amazing breed. Our raffle horse this year is of to Texas. Take care of you.

  2. Thank You! Meins is the ambassador, I just get to do all the talking. lol My girlfriend just moved to Texas with her horse and she is having an awful time with the flies. Allergies. I hope Wonder fairs better and my hat is off to June Ellis on her win.
    You take care also:)
