Friday, December 4, 2009

Just to be fair

I read several articles on "pin firing". It is mostly done to race horses for an injury in the legs. I saw no mention of the reason this other fellow told me of why they do this to his horses. To promote blood flow to the legs. Correct me if I'm wrong, doesn't this occur while this horse moves around, freely. I know horse racing is a whole other world and I love watching it, but with the recent tragedies that have occurred on the track it just makes me wonder...........

Another rainy day yesterday. I was hoping to get into the pasture over the weekend to do clean-up but isn't going to happen. I'll probably put my big boots on and take my garden rake to pull muck from the fence line. If not too heavy, I'll set the wheel barrow just outside the fence to scoop up what I can. Such a mess.

It did snow a bit last night but the ground is still too warm for any real accumulation to occur. The temps are supposed to start dropping this week so we will see what comes about.

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