Friday, May 22, 2009

Time to remember.........

We have so much to be thankful for yet so many of us take our lives and what we do for granted. I think it would be wise to just sit, look around you and THINK of what one thing you absolutely cannot do without.
For me, my freedom to choose. Choose who I like to be with, what to wear, drive, eat and how often. Where I sleep at night. I am safe.

When I walk about my yard, I stop and smell the flowers.

I'm free to do so.

I like to watch the different birds at my feeders.

I'm free to do so.

Sit IN the pasture for hours and watch two beautiful horses that found their way to my home and heart.

I'm free to do so.

To be in love with someone I can voice an opinion to whether or not we agree, I'm free to do so.

So turn off the phone, TV, music and sit quietly and reflect on what Memorial Day really means to you other than a day off.

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