Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Now we look like a little farm!

The shed has been moved and attached to the floor. Actually does look much better. Now if it ever stops raining I can get my hay in. Thanks Mike, Ike and friend for moving this for me!

Aww look at that beautiful Appy butt! Folks always know where the boys are with those distinct butts. Paha will hopefully be home today, again, if the rain slows or stops. It was just a light sprinkle earlier when I went out to feed and figured on a short ride but now it is coming down heavier and Meins does not like to be saddled when his back is still wet (sissy!). OK, momma does not feel like getting wet either.

My hubby will be back from Germany on Friday!!!!!!! Yeah! He has been gone 6 long weeks on business, but he did get to visit his family while he was there. I am not a good traveler and more than an hour in a car (it would be 8 on a plane), my body (the Fibromyalgia) just cannot handle it. The spasms are horrible and I would be miserable and just make everyone around me miserable and uncomfortable. I am a bitch when I'm in pain.

My hubby and daughter understand now and know when something is up. I tend to get very quiet and want to keep to myself. I just get irritated (I really try not to I know they just want to help) when people keep asking me questions and overdo it trying to help. The animals always seem to know when I'm not myself either. I swear they attach themselves to me and hang on every grunt, groan and sigh. At times I really believe Meins knows when I am in great pain. He will be the perfect gentleman, and clown. All this wet weather has wreaked havoc on me this Spring and Summer but I always manage to get through it. So once my man is home and my horse is home I can relax a bit and enjoy their company and presence.

Happy 4th of July everyone!
To Juli Thorson I was so sorry to hear about Miss Rose. My heart goes out to you, Ed and the rest of your herd.

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